ProOptiMA Lab

News & Updates
We are delighted to announce that PhD candidate Pooja Bhalode successfully defended her thesis on March 24, 2022. Congratulations Pooja on her outstanding achievement and wish the best in her future career!
We are delighted to announce that PhD candidate Ou Yang successfully defended her thesis on March 23, 2021.
We are delighted to announce that our PhD candidate Atharv Bhosekar successfully defended his doctoral dissertation yesterday, Sept 10th, 2020, and became the 28th graduate of our group! Atharv worked on supply chain optimization and modular process design using machine learning-based frameworks. Congratulations to Atharv and best wishes for his future career!
Abhay Athaley successfully defended his PhD thesis today, December 12, 2019, and became the 27th graduate of our group! Abhay worked on integrated design, analysis and optimization of chemical production from biomass feedstocks. Congratulations Abhay on his outstanding achievement and wish him the best of luck in his future career!
Nirupaplava Metta successfully defended her PhD thesis today, December 12th, 2019. Nirupa worked on model development and analysis of solid oral dosage manufacturing processes involving particle size change. Great job Dr. Metta! We congratulate Nirupa and wish the best of luck in her career as a doctor.
Pooja successfully passed her thesis proposal on November 5, 2019. We now have another official PhD candidate in the group! Great work today Pooja!
Great times celebrating the group's accomplishments and looking forward to new beginnings on June 22, 2019.
Atharv successfully passed his thesis proposal on June 1st, 2019. Congratulations Atharv - well done!
Lisia did a fantastic job on June 1st, 2019 defending her PhD thesis and became the 25th graduate of our group! Of to bigger and better things now! Good luck with everything :)
Ou successfully completed her PhD thesis proposal on May 30th, 2019 and she is now a PhD candidate! Well done Ou!
Parham's paper entitled "A Framework for the Development of Integrated and Computationally Feasible Models of Large-Scale Mammalian Cell Bioreactors" was featured in the Process Journal on October 22, 2018. Congratulations to Parham!
Abhay successfully presented his thesis proposal on October 11, 2018! Looking forward to his PhD Defense next year :)
Sebastian Escotet successfully defended his PhD thesis last Thursday, April 5. Sebastian worked on phenomenological and residence time distribution models for unit operations in a Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing process. We congratulate Sebastian and wish the best of luck in his career as a doctor.
Zilong Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis last Thursday, April 5, 2018. Zilong worked on process analysis and optimization for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing processes. We congratulate Zilong and wish the best of luck in his career as a doctor.
Professor Marianthi Ierapetritou has been elected to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Board of Directors, along side Kristi S. Anseth, Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado; Lori T. McDowell, Director of Business Development at Matheson; and Timothy J. Olsen, a refining consultant at Emerson Process Management. The directors serve three-year terms. The president position will be assumed by Christine B. Seymour, PhD, Director at Pfizer, Inc. Seymour is a director in Global Regulatory Chemistry and Manufacturing Controls at Pfizer, Inc., where she leads the regulatory strategy and implementation for a portfolio of projects across all phases of drug development, commercial applications, and established products. Additionally, Kimberly Ogden, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona, will become 2018 President-elect, and will succeed Seymour as AIChE President in 2019. Rosemarie D. Wesson, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Chemical Engineering in The Grove School of Engineering at The City College of the City University of New York, was elected to a three-year term as Treasurer, beginning in 2018.
Prof. Marianthi Ierapetritou was promoted to Distinguished Professor on July 20, 2017. We congratulate professor Ierapetritou on this well deserved accomplishment!
Abhay Athaley and Prof. Ierapetritou most recent work has made the cover of ChemSusChem on June 13, 2017. The work was developed with Dr. Sunitha Sadula, Dr. Weiqing Zheng and Dr. Basudeb Saha, from the University of Delaware. Together they published a communication entitled "Process Intensification for Cellulosic Biorefineries."
Prof. Ierapetritou awarder a Greek Diaspora Fellowship to establish and strengthen the collaboration with the Aristotle University in Greece in the area of Process systems engineering on June 2nd, 2017. Marianthi will be working during for two weeks during the summer to mentor, advise, and teach in the area of systems engineering and establishing important international relations.
Dr. Ierapetritou and Parham Farzan published an article in Pharma Focus Asia on February 22th, 2017. The article is entitled "Improving Biopharma Productivity through Optimal Bioreactor Operation," and can be accessed here. The article discusses the implementation of process systems engineering methodologies to improve efficiency in the biopharma industry.
CEP Magazine published an article highlighting recent publications by Parham Farzan and Dr. Ierapetritou on February 16th, 2017. The article is entitled "AIChE Journal Highlight: Creating Computational Models for Biopharmaceutical Production", and can be accessed here. We congratulate Parham for his achievements!
Parham Farzan and Dr. Ierapetritou most recent article has made the cover of Aiche Journal on January 20, 2017. The article is entitled "Review of the important challenges and opportunities related to modeling of mammalian cell bioreactors". The article was published in volume 63, Issue 2, pages 398-408, in the edition from February 2017.
Nirupaplava Metta used EDEM to simulate granule breakage in a conical mill. A spotlight about her interesting work has been published in the EDEM website on December 12, 2016, and shared in social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. The link for the pages can be accessed here.
Marianthi Ierapetritou has been selected to receive the 2016 Computing in Chemical Engineering Award from the CAST Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) on July 27th, 2016. This is a major honor as it... "recognizes outstanding contributions in the application of computing and systems technology to chemical engineering". It is sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company and it comes with a plaque and $3,000. Marianthi will deliver an address at the CAST Division dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting and will write a feature article for the Division Newsletter. Previous award recipients (of the past 20 years) have included Mark Stadtherr, Jim Rawlings, Larry Biegler, Christos Georgakis, Manfred Morari, LT Fan, R Taylor, Frank Doyle,Chris Floudas, Eric Ydstie, Yannis Kevrekidis, Venkat Venkatasubramanian, Nikos Sahinidis, Paul Barton, Stratos Pistikopoulos, Jay Lee, Richard Braatz and Rafi Gani. Marianthi Ierapetritou is the first woman recipient of this prestigious award.
Fani Boukouvala will start as an Assistant Professor this fall in the School of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech. Congratulations to Fani and best wishes for her academic career! June 22nd, 2016
Professor Marianthi was elected a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers on June 17, 2016. This is the highest level of membership to the organization reaffirming the distinctive achievements of our group to the chemical engineering community.
Dr. Ierapetritou most recent article has made the cover of Aiche Journal. The co-authors of the article are Dr. Fernando Muzzio and Dr. Gintalas Reklaitis, and the article is entitled "Perspectives on the Continuous Manufacturing of Powder Based Pharmaceutical Process". The article was published in the volume 62, No 6, pages 1846-1862, in the edition from June of 2016.
Dr. Marianthi Ierapetritou presented at the 2015-2016 Industrial Optimization Seminar on March 29, 2016. in Toronto, Canada. The presentation was entitled "Simulation based Optimization for Supply Chain Management", and the main objective of this talk was to present some of our work towards the development of novel methodologies that facilitate intelligent decision-making and their application in the analysis of supply chains for chemical industries. The full presentation is available on the events website. The 2015-2016 seminar had three meetings, each one comprised of two related lectures on a topic in optimization, and received speakers from universities, privates and government sectors.
Nihar Sahay successfully defended his PhD thesis on March 24, 2016. Nihar worked on a hybrid simulation based optimization for supply chain management. We congratulate Nihar and wish the best of luck in his career as a doctor.
Abhay Athaley wins the Best Poster Award at the 2nd Chemical and Biochemical Graduate Research Sympo on Nov 20, 2015.
Jinjun Zhuge and Nikisha Shah successfully defended their PhD thesis in Spring 2015.
Sebastian Escotet selected as a 2015-2017 Fellow in the Rutgers PreDoctoral Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) on September 29th, 2015.
Prof. Marianthi G. Ierapetritou was elected as a winner of Award of Division of Particulate Preparations and Design (PPD). Septemeber 29th, 2015.
Prof. Marianthi's webinar at AICHE CAST division talked about our recent work in modeling, optimization and analysis of continuous manufacturing of solid-based drugs on May 2015. The talk can be viewed here.