ProOptiMA Lab


Data Science Institute and the Department of Computer science - work in the area of text mining, ML, and AI
Delaware Energy Institute - work on plastic upcycling and recycling, biomass conversion to chemicals,
NIIMBL - Biologics manufacturing - optimization of fed-batch and continuous production of mAbs
CPI (Center of Plastics Innovation) - work to evaluate alternative upcycling technologies of existing plastics and development of new materials with better properties
GCR (Growing Convergence research) - work with plant scientists on novel routes for biomass conversion to chemicals especially working with lignin.
EPSCoR NSF funded center in collaboration with the University of Kansas to optimize the polymer production for plastics and re-use.
RAPID institute - evaluation of identified technologies and process integration for biomass to chemicals
DOE-funded work on biological transformations of biomass to fuels
Rutgers collaborations funded by FDA on I4.0 technologies for continuous production of solid-based drugs, and RTD modeling
Leading a state-wide effort on the valorization of waste working with agriculture, food, and chemical waste towards a circular economy.
Variety of different industrial projects: GSK bioreactor and chromatography design; DEvCo life cycle evaluation of aerobic digestion for waste treatment; RiKarbon evaluation of different technologies for carbon capture; CSL design development for plasma separation technologies.
Part of the NRT traineeship program